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​Client Testimonials
Denisha Griffey

"The results of working out with Greg will sneak up on you. I noticed my jeans were getting loose around my waist. At first, I ignored it and rolled down my jeans, next I put a belt on. This was too bulky. Reluctantly I decided to buy another pair. I was down a size- Consistency pays off".

"Greg Wallace at I Am the One Fitness really pushed me this morning. He always tells me, "we're on this journey together Doc to live life more abundantly". I appreciate everything he has done for me. Keep pushing me Greg I'm getting there. Thanks for putting up with me! If you're looking for a trainer he's the real deal.

Mrs. Jackson
Anquanette Wilbon

Greg Wallace, I Am The One Fitness, really knows his stuff. He has been

training me now for approximately one month. At this time I have noticed

changes in my body & weight. Most importantly I have noticed that I have

become stronger, developing muscle tone in places I haven’t worked out in years.

He is very knowledgeable about the body and used his training and knowledge to get the best out of me. What I appreciate the most is that this “Example of Christ”, throws the word at me when I feel like I cannot reach my potential. For example, he often speaks the word of God over me like “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service”, or “do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? And “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you”.

This really gives me a push as I am realizing my transformation is not by

might, nor power but by the Spirit. Zec. 4:6"

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